JSON guide for beginners

JSON guide for beginners


2 min read

Hello folks! I recently started my Python journey and came across Python's JSON Module while making a simple CRUD operations project in python. So, I thought of sharing my learning regarding JSON in today's article.

What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It's a lightweight and human readable data interchange format. Because it isn't tied to JavaScript, it can be used with other programming languages as well (like I used it in Python).

How does JSON look like?

A JSON object is a list of comma separated key-value pairs enclosed within curly braces.

For example :

    "hobby": "sleeping",

In the above example, "name", "language" and "hobby" are keys, while "divyanshu", "python", "sleeping" are the corresponding values**.**

What is JSON array?

A JSON array is an ordered collection of JSON objects.

For example :


Can JSON handle strings only?

No. JSON can handle other datatypes as well like numbers, booleans, null, arrays and objects.

For example :

    "hobbies":["chasing jerry","drinking milk","sleeping"]

Where is JSON used?

  • API communication : for data exchange between applications and APIs

  • Data storage : for storing data in configuration files and databases

  • Data exchange : for exchanging data between different systems or applications

Hope you found this article on JSON helpful. Happy coding😄!